For parents, co-parents, step parents, single parents…. any parent in all types of families who want to see themselves and their families thrive.

Alicia Weems

Blended Family Coach

Blended Families




Life Coaching

Are you a bio-mom or bio-dad who can’t seem to get past feelings of resentment towards your ex?…..making it difficult to co-parent?

Are you a step-parent who is confused about their role and place in a new family?

Are you and your partner struggling on how to navigate your blended family dynamics?…….. Or how to deal with a “high conflict” ex who doesn’t want to cooperate?

Do you want to disengage, but don’t know how and when?

Whether you’re a bio- parent, a step-parent, a co-parent, a single parent or a partner to any of the above… No matter what your situation, I would love to help you on your journey


    Our relationships with the people in our lives, wether we choose them or not, are the most important and can also be the most challenging. Feel good about your place within it all.


    This can be extremely challenging for many people. It really doesn’t have to be hard. Learn how to manage your feelings, and turn this situation into the best it can be. Feel content and comfortable about how you handle your co-parent role.


    Finding your partner for life can also result in the blending of families. This can be enjoyable and exciting. It can also present you with many challenges from many different angles. Gain control….learn how to handle this with less stress and ease.


    Get unstuck………life can be hard sometimes. It can be confusing and overwhelming making tough decisions. I love helping people get unstuck and accomplish those goals that have been challenging.

I believe that the relationships we have with the people closest to us, who we call family, should always be held dear. Our family dynamics and how we navigate them can play a huge role in OUR well-being, as well as our FAMILY’S well being. We, as parents have the power to guide our families in a way that everyone can feel loved and accepted, including ourselves. I know from experience that this is not always easy and can be quite challenging. I’d love to help you gain the control to overcome these challenges and begin to feel yourself thrive amongst the unpredicted chaos and challenges. None of us are perfect. We all have our moments. Gaining the confidence paired with the right tools can bring more moments of understanding, acceptance and love. Things can get messy………….. stay centered and in control in the thick of it all.

Contact me

Let’s connect, I’d love to hear about you and what type of coaching and support you need.

‪(707) 267-7461