I wear many hats…..I am a mom who co-parents with an ex-husband, who has a partner. My children have two younger siblings in that house. I am a step-mom with a partner who co-parents with the mother of his children. There are many layers of my blended family. I have navigated many circumstances, some better than others. I have had many moments of frustration and uncertainty. I have learned a lot and I am still learning. I experience all the different perspectives that come with my situation. As life does…. it has its ups and downs. Through mistakes, time and practice I’ve gained the knowledge and the right tools to manage my life in a way where I experience more and more “ups” with less conflict as I navigate my world. You can also learn from “my” mistakes! My experience has led me to where I am now. My passion is to help people of any family dynamic have a more peaceful experience…..


I’d love to help you find more peace in your life and more conflict-free interactions with whoever it is you parent with or have relationships with.


  • "Alicia has so much life experience we were able to connect on so many different levels. She makes me feel understood. I can tell she’s passionate about helping other because she’s inspired to coach people through the same experiences she overcome. Alicia brings quality of trust in her work which helped me feel open to vulnerability which was key on moving through various challenges. I’m grateful to work with Alicia and eager to see how she expands her practice”.

    Devin Amurao, Life Coach of “MindShift Coaching”

  • “I’ve known Alicia for the past 12 years, as a parent at my son’s school, and also as a soccer coach. She and her ex husband are an inspiration as co-parents of their sons. They are so kind and helpful to each other, even though they live separate lives with other partners. Recently I had the opportunity to be a life coaching client of Alicia’s. I wanted help finally putting exercise in my daily life after years of frustration not being able to figure it out on my own. I was so impressed with her ability to be professional, and stay focused on me, even though we are friends. She was so attentive, and super straight forward. She helped me build habits, and now rarely a day goes by where I don’t exercise. My body feels tons better, and I feel stronger and more confident. Thank you Alicia!!”

    Brooke, Licensed Therapist, mother of two.

  • “Thank you for your coaching guidance as I move through the next stage of my life. You helped me narrow down some realistic and achievable goals for my future. I can see some options and continue to explore avenues in both my life and career. After having children, my life was so dedicated to them, that I didn’t even know what I enjoyed for myself anymore. You have helped me realize that I have so many things in my life that I enjoy. They have been dormant for so long that I actually forgot about them. I even discovered some new things about myself that I would like to pursue. I have started dancing again, taking nutrition classes and have a “can-do” attitude about a new career (even in my 50’s). Thanks again.

    Michelle, Business owner, mother of two.

  • Alicia is a competent and professional life coach with a multitude of various tools that can be used with a number of life’s obstacles that arise. She helped me initiate small life hacks that have brought more time and relaxation into my day- to- day, and also led me through larger activities like powerful guided visualization that helped me through difficult family decisions. She is a great active listener who makes her clients feel comfortable and heard. I would recommend her to anyone looking for guidance through minor and/or substantial changes that life brings. .

    Angela, Teacher, Mother